ProLawn is a full service lawn care company serving the triangle area of Raleigh, North Carolina. We are locally owned and operated. ProLawn is a member of the Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce as well as the North Carolina Turf Grass Council.
Mark R. Schaffer -
Mark Has over 20 years experience in Business Management. Mark realizes that the success of his business depends on your satisfaction. Mark is a certified and licensed herbicide and pesticide applicator. Mark completed the NC Turf
grass Short Course through N.C. State’s Department
Crop Science. Mark has over 12 years experience in Turf
J. Mark Wendt
- Fertilization/Weed Control Operator
Mark has over 27 years experience in Turf
Management. He was the Greens Superintendent at
Shamrock Country
club and several other golf courses. Mark has been with ProLawn over four years! |